Course selection is a lengthy process, especially this year due to being virtual. The information overview of courses cannot be transmitted as well as in a class setting. As course selection roams nearer, students are up to decide which classes would be the best fit for them. Choosing between takingContinue Reading

Wrestling is the antithesis of social distancing. The six-feet-apart rule does not exactly lend itself to the close-quarter grappling the sport entails. All the same, the sport is subject to its own set of regulations. Full body Lysol cleaning before and after each bout Each wrestler disinfects their entire bodyContinue Reading

There is no better feeling in the world than waking up to a Ryan McElveen alert that school has been canceled due to snow. But be careful – your snow days are under assault. The advent of online learning during the COVID-19 pandemic has brought rise to a new movementContinue Reading

Alongside the fall comes cold nights, which makes for miserable running conditions for Senior and Winter Track team captain Spencer Schmid. In a normal year, November would be a time for runners. The new normal has forced winter sports practices to be unofficial, meaning when Schmid returns to his startingContinue Reading

Due to inclement weather, FCPS switched learning to synchronous virtual instruction for Wednesday. The only issue? Marshall students are already virtual, and we are scheduled to have a catch-up day, not a synchronous one. Without a clarification, students were left to wonder what information was correct. On top of theContinue Reading

The school year usually brings months of all work and no play, but for freshman Kate Butterworth, online school allowed for a more idyllic start to her first year at Marshall.  Butterworth said she traveled to Myrtle Beach in early September with a friend’s family. But, because the school yearContinue Reading