Juniors Salma Roquet and Morgan Sergio have been friends throughout high school, but the pair came to a crossroads over their learning option this year. Both students take English teacher Matthew Horne’s fifth period IB English Language and Literature class. The only difference between the two is that Roquet attendsContinue Reading

The creation of a new European soccer league has led some Marshall students to reconsider their overseas allegiances. Twelve European teams from England, Italy and Spain confirmed they will join the European Super League, which would disqualify them from some of the world’s best domestic leagues, the most prestigious existingContinue Reading

Varsity Football Head Coach Jason Strickland repudiated recent accusations his players used racial slurs toward Wakefield High School players during their game on March 5, saying he has seen no evidence of bigoted behavior during his tenure. Though he admitted there was aggression between two players, Strickland said in aContinue Reading

Updated 3/19/21 – 10:50 a.m. Arlington Public Schools (APS) officials accused Statesman varsity football players of using racial slurs during a fight at a recent game. The incident sparked controversy and larger concerns of a cultural issue at Marshall and within the athletic program. After a failed conversion on 4th-and-24Continue Reading

marshall high school is open to students for the first time in almost a year

Arriving at school I was mostly feeling frustrated and nervous driving into the upper lot early that morning. I had wanted to return to school for so long, but Fairfax County Public Schools (FCPS) implemented it too late for me, a senior with three months left in high school, toContinue Reading

It was two days before the presentation, and I knew tomorrow I had work until the evening, Yvon had football practice, and Abby was embroiled in the logistics of a school-wide food drive. We decided to plan ahead and agreed to meet for Wednesday off hours. No warning given, noContinue Reading

When junior Zimraan Sadeque was posed with the question of whether or not to attend in-person school back in July, he hoped he would eventually get the chance for full weeks of in-person instruction. Sadeque is one of many students who – despite originally planning to return to in-person –Continue Reading

Course selection is a lengthy process, especially this year due to being virtual. The information overview of courses cannot be transmitted as well as in a class setting. As course selection roams nearer, students are up to decide which classes would be the best fit for them. Choosing between takingContinue Reading

For the first time in almost a year, senior Zamir Ticknor will walk through the doors of Marshall, ready to start in-person learning.  Ticknor said that while he enjoyed the freedoms of online school, he is ready to get back to in-person learning.  “What makes me most excited is theContinue Reading