Measles, mumps, chickenpox, Hepatitis, HPV: these are all viruses and diseases FCPS students are required to be immunized against. We should add to this list COVID-19. Last month, Los Angeles Unified School District, the second largest school district in the nation, became one of the first school divisions to announceContinue Reading

In the era of COVID-19, science classes adapted by utilizing virtual labs last year. Now, lost lab skills are coming back to bite IB Chemistry 2 seniors. Even in the 4th quarter of last year with a mix of in-person and virtual students, the science department decided to keep theContinue Reading

As Marshall has quickly readjusted to in-person school after over a year of virtual and hybrid learning, school security has taken on a new meaning.  “There’s probably a mental health piece where kids haven’t been in schools in a year and a half in a physical building,”  Student Resource OfficerContinue Reading

School-Based Technology Specialist Rachel Baxter brings a new perspective on inclusive learning with her passion for social justice. Baxter is used to misconceptions about her job, the most notable being the “Technology” part of her title. “I don’t think tech is always the answer,” Baxter said. “I think a lotContinue Reading

In-person again for the first time in two years, the Freshmen Transition Program, or FTP, gives incoming freshmen the opportunity to learn from a group of senior mentors during fourth period.  FTP allows seniors to teach lessons intended to help ease a freshman’s transition from middle school to high school,Continue Reading

Claire Tinsley had an epiphany when she switched career paths to go into teaching. Tinsley majored in art history at William and Mary and intended to become a curator at a museum. But, after interning at the Kennedy Center, she realized it was not the right fit. “I ended upContinue Reading

Teaching has always been new math teacher Mark Steinberg’s passion – but it wasn’t always his profession. Before his teaching career, Steinberg had been a reporter, editor and website programmer for various news outlets, worked in information technology development and even served as a project manager in Silicon Valley. HisContinue Reading