Stroll through F Hall, down the stairs near the gym, take a sharp right into the Marshall Academy, and head to room 503. This secluded, professional area is where junior Ellen Shpetishvili and other Criminal Justice 2 students have class every morning. Criminal Justice is just one of the classesContinue Reading

The Freshman Transition Program, or FTP, pairs senior mentors with classes of freshmen to help aid their transition from middle school to high school.  FTP went from in-person to virtual and back again, separated by gender to co-ed. Rank & File members recall their individual FTP experiences from the pastContinue Reading

Depending on grade, opted-in students will take either the SAT or PSAT on Wednesday, October 15.  The PSAT helps students familiarize themselves with the types of questions on the SAT and puts top-scorers in the pool for the National Merit Scholarship. For some seniors, this is the final opportunity toContinue Reading

Henry Smith plays the violin at a Marshall choir concert

After bouncing back from a year online, the music department has proven it can’t be silenced. The virtual setting forced students to take their musical education into their own hands and adapt to COVID’s demands. “[Last year,] we experimented with new things in band such as recording yourself at homeContinue Reading

A bus rolls up to Door 1 and students pile out. “Thank you!” “Have a good day!” they call, and  wave to their driver. He smiles back – and then prepares to double back for a second run. For bus driver Jamal Moujtahid, the return to school has meant extraContinue Reading

The last five weeks have seen debates in hallways, classrooms and beyond over the debut of a new 40-minute class. The class, Advisory, builds on the social-emotional learning time introduced last year. Advisory co-leads Patrick McDonough and Katy Sokolove said the administration gathered student opinions in 2020 where some studentsContinue Reading