Dear editor, Toxic masculinity is the societal pressure that inflicts negative behaviors and attitudes onto men and forces them to adapt. It is present in every aspect of life, from not showing vulnerability to following certain physical appearance standards, deeming qualities as “gay,” or staunch opposition to open-ended talks aboutContinue Reading

Cody Schell, honors and IB biology teacher, grew up in New York with a creek behind his house that he visited frequently. At age 10, he began finding garter snakes and other species there. This is where his interest for snakes and other wildlife blossomed. “[Snakes] are obviously really uniqueContinue Reading

The girls swim team broke a 27-year-old school record in the 200-meter medley relay at Cub Run RECenter against Westfield on Jan. 14 with a time of 1:55.79. The relay team was made up of freshman Kate McDermott, sophomore Bella Spignardo, sophomore Sophia Cloutier and junior Julia Simpson. “The 200Continue Reading

Writing is a skill that some either enjoy while others think as a chore. To English teacher Kanisha Parks, language and literature shaped her childhood from a student often getting into trouble, to an aspiring writer. “In first grade, I got in trouble a lot and actually got suspended 13Continue Reading

This point in time marks a symbolic halfway point in many ways. Obviously we have reached the halfway point of our academic calendar, and this is also the halfway point for Rank&File in terms of our number of issues this year. At this point in the year it can beContinue Reading