While last week’s new optional masking policy may seem like a factor that changes student life, teachers are equally affected. For French teacher Mary Wittrock, the new policy is a welcome change. “Our [COVID-19] numbers are way down, which is awesome, and I think at this point, it’s the rightContinue Reading

School spirit is a goal which every group seems to strive for, from administration to student government to student groups like Marshall Mob. The Marshall Mob brings together students to make us a community, but a small handful of students have caused disruptions for administration and opposing teams. Last March,Continue Reading

As Kelli Pierson’s six-year run as choir director comes to an end, James Madison University student Anna Valentino will take over for the remainder of the year as a long-term sub. Valentino enters the choir program coming from a situation mirroring that of Pierson when she first arrived. “It wasContinue Reading

The robotics team will be attending their first competition this year on March 6 and 26. The team’s task is to build a robot capable of navigating through a course, shooting a ball and hanging off monkey bars. The team had to troubleshoot before getting a functioning robot that fitContinue Reading

Rank&File talks to teachers to find out how juniors and seniors can write their best Internal Assessments (IAs), research papers that students taking some IB courses are required to write and make up a portion of their final IB score. IB Psychology SL Although IB Psychology is an elective, itContinue Reading

From the transition to virtual learning, to coming back in person, case counts, quarantine, changing mask mandates and changes to curriculum, the pandemic has had many academic side effects. Thinking back on the two year anniversary of school closing due to the pandemic, learning disabilities teacher Laura Champe Mitchell expressedContinue Reading

On Feb. 24, Marshall was selected as a First Amendment Press Freedom Award winner for the first time. Marshall joins two other Fairfax County schools, McLean and Chantilly, among the 17 recipients nationally. Three FCPS schools winning this award out of 17 nationwide shows the strength of freedom of expressionContinue Reading