Sports are known for being beneficial to one’s physical and mental well being. However, in the competitive environment which we reside in, this isn’t a reality. Not only are players competing against teams in their district, they’re competing against their teammates. Tryouts set up the environment for the rest ofContinue Reading

Marshall Minds Matter members meet. “Our primary goal is to promote conversations about mental health,” president and senior Grace Chamberlain said.

With tests piling up and summer waving its smug fingers from two months away, the last quarter of the year is far from the easiest. Regardless, fourth quarter can be a time for reflection. For some students, like president of Marshall Minds Matter club and senior Grace Chamberlain, this schoolContinue Reading

This year, the month of Ramadan falls during prom season, causing conflict for some Muslim students. Ramadan is the ninth month in the Islamic calendar, in which Muslims around the world fast from sunrise to sundown. “Prom falling on a day during Ramadan has been difficult to work around knowingContinue Reading

This issue is our seventh and second to last of the academic year. On a personal note, it will also be my final as Editor-in-Chief of Rank&File. I am proud of the progress this staff has made over the course of the year, but more so than that, excited forContinue Reading

Beware the financial aid scams: pointers with Gardener Humphreys Financial aid scams are an ongoing issue in high schools, but risks rise during the spring when students are looking to apply to colleges. There are many options for financial aid, or money students can earn for college, but some canContinue Reading