The new school year brings a new change for the freshman girl’s basketball team coaching staff. World History and Geography teacher Ashleigh Williams was selected to coach for the 2022-2023 season. She played basketball in college and has coached previously. “I played at Angelo State University in Texas before IContinue Reading

The digital age has given birth to attention challenges in the classroom. This year, the county decided to make a change. Fairfax County Public Schools has implemented a new policy on cell phone use during the school day. Students must keep phones “silenced and put away during all instructional periods,”Continue Reading

On September 27, 2:40 p.m., students across Virginia walked out of class to protest Governor Youngkin’s new school policies, and Marshall walked with them. The new guidelines would prevent transgender students from using bathrooms, joining sports teams, and using pronouns of the gender they identify as.   “It’s a real setbackContinue Reading

At the awards ceremony on Thursday, May 26, two athletes were recognized for their achievements this past year.  Seniors Rylie Hughes and Adien Hrnjez won the annual female and male Athlete of the Year awards. The award is not exclusive to seniors, but this year Hughes and Hrnjez were theContinue Reading

Matthew Kulikosky on guitar spring concert featuring special student solos and group performances of all genres: What differs between the spring and winter shows? The spring show is kind of special because [during] the second half of the show students can perform in their own groups. They can perform soloContinue Reading

DeLeo details aims of ‘Frog and Toad’ After two years of the pandemic, Director Bernie DeLeo said he wanted to put on a show that people of all ages would enjoy. Through the end of April and early May, Statesmen Theatre performed “A Year with Frog and Toad,” a musicalContinue Reading

There have been two school-wide walkouts this year, and while both have been in support of incredibly important issues, they have also been frustrating. During the Reproductive Freedom Walkout on May 9, students in the crowd were laughing and joking with friends. For those who were personally invested in theContinue Reading

On Wednesday May 18, temporary choir director Anna Valentino conducted the spring concert, her last concert at Marshall.  “In the beginning, I was very nervous,” Valentino said. “But it was incredible. It went really well and I’m so proud of everybody. Valentino said she was sad to be leaving everybodyContinue Reading

Though a majority of seniors apply for national colleges, Rank&File talked to four seniors who took it international. SANJANA PANDETI Historical European buildings, flavorful food and art galore—this is a taste of what senior Sanjana Pandeti’s college experience will look like. Pandeti plans to attend the University of Amsterdam inContinue Reading