The swim and dive team is approaching the District championships on Jan. 27 and 28 following a historic win at the end of its regular season.

The team broke a four-year losing streak by beating South Lakes High School on Dec. 16 and followed it up with a win against McLean High School.

The current record is 3-3 with the team’s most recent win on the Jan. 13 against Stone Bridge High School on senior night.

The swim and dive team lost in a meet against Madison High School Friday. Scores were not available.

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In an attempt to foster the skills of young writers and artists, the Alliance for Young Writers and Artists recognizes excellence each year in creations by high school students on a local, regional and national level in the annual Scholastic Art and Writing Awards.

Students in visual arts classes submitted work this year in several of the contest’s 28 categories. Their art was then entered in a selection process, which involves teacher and judge evaluation.

Art teacher Nicole Walter said art entered in the contest is judged on three artistic categories.

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There is still, though, a huge swath of dating abuse victims and potential victims who do not have the same national and international attention that some are, rightfully, receiving: men. Young men and minority men are at particular risk for dating abuse. In 2008, 13 percent of male Latino seventh-graders reported that their partners, according to a study by the Journal of Interpersonal Violence, had physically abused them.

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Bland office interior. Bleak weather. Tea and whiskey shared among old men and their young successors. If these images do not scream out “international spy thriller” to you, do not be surprised. In an age where films are filled with beautiful women, exotic locations, and explosive combat (look at the James Bond movies and the Mission: Impossible series), the Tomas Alfredson-directed Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy is an apple among oranges. However, this change of pace and attention to detail is welcomed.

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1. “Afterglow” – Phaeleh
This is real dubstep; perfect for doing homework to and not at all the “dubstep” that fills up the front page of youtube. Its room-shaking bass makes for nice homework vibes.

2. “Don’t Play No Game I Can’t Win” – Beastie Boys
The most dubby reggae chill session made by white people from Brooklyn since … ever?

3. “Heartbeat” – Childish Gambino
This guy oozes crossover appeal between races, genres and mediums. You already know him from Community, but Donald Glover can also rap Young Money under the table.

4. “Katy on a Mission” – Katy B
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Students are quick to heap blame on their school for ugly ceilings, missing snow days, and parking snafus, but overlooked in the heap of blame shoved toward FCPS is a little shining nugget that someone got right.

I am talking about the salad bar. The salad bar, in the lunch-line furthest to the right of the cafeteria provides students not only with an alternative to an unhealthy lunch, but also with a better lunch. The result of “a confluence of good luck,” the bar is a good option for students looking to make healthy choices in the lunch line, principal Jay Pearson said.

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The Golden Globes is traditionally a time for actresses to show off their unique red carpet style. This year, at the 69th annual ceremony on Jan. 15, there was no exception.

Actresses took risks with nude or pale colored dresses and plunging necklines. Mermaid style dresses, a prominent fashion trend at previous events in the past year, also dazzled on the red carpet last Sunday. Relaxed hairstyles and natural makeup with a pop of bright lip color accompanied the trend.

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This year’s freshman class is the first class required to meet the new Economics course requirement in order to graduate. Many people believe that if people learned more about economics and personal finance in high school, they would not have made some of the bad decisions that led to theContinue Reading

Following a recommendation to principals from the FCPS Department of Information Technology, Statesmen are now allowed to use their smartphones, laptops and e-readers as freely as their teachers allow.

Teachers may designate their classrooms green, blue, yellow or red, with green designated as “general use” and red as “prohibited.”

“[Technology] is going to be ubiquitous,” Superintendent Jack Dale said. “The question like that is how do we use it?”

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Have you read Looking for Alaska? You really should. As soon as possible. I say that to everyone I talk to about books, regardless of the topic of the discussion. It is my way of recognizing the quality of John Green’s writing; it is worth recommendation no matter the context. Green, who specializes in teenage slice of life/romance, has a rare gift: he can accurately write teenage characters in the first person.

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