A rubber boot swaying on his head, multitudes of ties peeking out from under his salt-and-pepper beard, presidential candidate Vermin Supreme proudly distinguishes himself from the other presidential hopefuls with his signature opening line: “I am a friendly fascist, a tyrant you can trust.”

His campaign manifesto includes a mandatory dental hygiene law, funding for time travel research and an energy policy that involves harnessing the power of zombies.

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The Marshall football program recently welcomed back alumnus Greg Sullivan to become its new head coach.

Sullivan, who graduated in 1979, has a long history in coaching football. He spent five years coaching at Ottawa University in Kansas before moving back to the Northern Virginia area. After spending three years as a head coach for the football team at T.C. Williams High School, Sullivan became an offensive coordinator at McLean High School.

However, Sullivan’s time away from Marshall has not stopped him from following his alma mater’s team.

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After experiencing success at districts, the Theatre program placed third in the Feb. 10 Northern Region festival hosted by Lake Braddock High School.

The competition involved judging one-act plays. Marshall’s entry, “The Sea,” was directed by theatre teacher Mark Krikstan.

Despite their first place win over Stone Bridge High School and three other schools in the Liberty District competition, Marshall placed third overall at regionals. Junior Sarah Chapin was awarded Best Actress.

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Choral director Keri Staley is in the early stages of reviving the currently dormant men’s choir. She hopes to start the choir by this spring.

The group would be an extracurricular club, meeting on the first Red Day of each week during Learn. Though there has never been a male-only choir at Marshall for as long as Staley can remember, she hopes the new group will appeal to all-male singers with an open Learn schedule. Due to Staley’s other obligations, she would only be able to teach the choir in the morning on Red days.

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Six members from the Marshall Debate team traveled to Harvard University in Boston to compete in 38th annual Harvard National Forensics Tournament last Friday to argue in a weekend-long competition.

“This is probably the biggest thing Marshall Debate has done in a long time,” sophomore Olivia Martin said.

Freshman Anna-Liis Sutt and Sanam Analouei competed together, as did sophomores Taruni Paleru and Martin in the JV Public Forum. Public Forum duos debated the abolition of birthright citizenship in the US.

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Spring sports, such as lacrosse and baseball, have a positive outlook for the 2012 season with the introduction of Green Days, which are new as of this year for Marshall and all other Virginia public schools.

According to boys lacrosse coach Andrew Freeman, the state instituted the pre-season work out days because they allow the players to practice with more freedom before the season and they help high school sports provide the flexibility that club sports offer.

The state also instituted Yellow Days, which are pre-season conditioning, and Red Days, which are hands-off days.
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Gotham City Impostors is a very interesting change of pace after Batman: Arkham City and it will satisfy most everyday gamers. First of all, it is an online first person shooter, with a maximum of 6v6 players online match, which was previously unseen for any batman game. Also, with its cartoony graphics and colorful character design the game takes a different spin on the Batman franchise.The game has a basic plot behind it: a group of Batman and Joker impersonators (Bats and Jokerz) fight each other over the control of Gotham City.

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IB classes are hard. To really thrive, one has to dedicate time and effort to the work an IB class demands. Even students who are looking for challenge may not be able to ready to commit themselves to the responsibilities of an IB class. Students who are on the cusp between being ready for IB have no alternative but to stick with standard classes until they are ready to take on an IB class.

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I am the founding father of the Young Democrats and I write to you because I’m really excited about it.
We have a great group of people and it’s a great club. If you have ever watched the Daily Show or the Colbert Report and liked it, you’ll like this club.
We are still new and young so there is a lot of room for growth. We will most likely have a debate with the Young Republicans Club in the near future and, if you are a young Democrat, we could use your axe.
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Three teachers come home to babies ages two months, one year and two years, respectively. Each has a different perspective on the realities of being a parent. IB co-coordinator and history teacher Matthew Axelrod became one of the newest parents at Marshall when his daughter Natalie was born on Jan. 12.

“Babies are just loud and they don’t have a schedule. From one of the books we read [it] seems babies don’t develop a sleep schedule until they’re between two to four months old,” Axelrod said.

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