Paulina farley-kuzmina The newly renovated auditorium and music rooms opened to students on Wednesday, Feb. 20. The original opening date was scheduled to be around Thanksgiving, but was pushed back to Jan. 20, and then finally to February. “Nothing unexpected caused the delay; it was just that the work wasContinue Reading

by haley monts Performers in Marshall’s Sly Fox production earned 4th place in the one-act state competition held March 2.  The competition marked the third and final round of the one-act competitions, pitting eight high schools against each other in a test of their acting chops. The play Sly FoxContinue Reading

by haley monts Disney Animation Studios’ latest short “Paperman” charmed audiences and critics alike with its stylized visuals, clever storytelling and simplistic yet heartwarming plot. But, by far, the most captivating element of “Paperman” is its animation. Layering 3-D graphics with traditional 2-D drawings, “Paperman” signals a possible revival forContinue Reading

by andrew crider For the first time in eight years, the National Honor Society will tutor any student who needs additional help during Learn, after school, and during Saturday school. This new initiative is being led by senior Maggie Schumann. According to assistant principal Dan Daus, the new integration ofContinue Reading

by rana attia In the app store there are more than 19 communication applications that pop up the minute you type the word “chat.” Not surprisingly, one of the main things people want to do on their phones is find new ways to communicate with others. At Marshall, students areContinue Reading

by francesco basti Disney’s Oz: the Great and Powerful did not live up to its classic predecessor, but it was still a very fun movie to watch. The movie unveils the tale of Oz, a young Kansas carnival magician (played by James Franco) who finds himself in the wonderful landContinue Reading

by devon maloney Fourteen business students competed in a LifeSmarts state competition on March 8 at Virginia State University. Of the eight teams competing, Marshall teams took second, fourth and fifth places. Two teams, the “Immortal Statesmen” and the “Statesmen 3 Taco Bueno” faced off in the semifinal round. “TwoContinue Reading

In a historic result for Marshall DECA, 53 students qualified for the April international competition in Anaheim, Calif. at the State Leadership Conference (SLC) competition in Virginia Beach. The DECA chapter also garnered Blue Chip status, the highest state honor. According to junior Conor Boyle, SLC is home to state-levelContinue Reading

The fact that Marshall has a Gay-Straight Alliance is wonderful. It provides a safe space for queer and trans people and our allies, even though our school is fairly accepting. However, the GSA, for the most part, seems fairly uneducated about identities other than gay and binary transgender. One problemContinue Reading