Of all the sports Statesmen participate in, the golf season ends the earliest, typically halfway through the first quarter. Although this makes it easy for the sport to go unnoticed, this has not stopped students from participating in not one, but two teams. While 12 students participate in the co-edContinue Reading

On Saturday, September 21st, nearly 50,000 people attended the fifth annual Freefest concert at Merriweather Post Pavilion in Columbia, Md. Tickets for the concert were in theory completely free, with the idea being that instead of paying for tickets, concert goers would make voluntary donations.  For those who did not scoreContinue Reading

At the 2008 Emmy awards, Tina Fey introduces the glowing and then-pregnant Poehler with “when are you due?” Poehler jokingly responds: “How dare you, I’ve gained weight for a role.” Five years later, the punch line is still hard-hitting. Actors continue to gain and lose tremendous amounts of weight inContinue Reading

For some people, homecoming— and the spirit days leading up to the dance— is a major highlight of the school year, but this does not hold true for everyone. For the latter, the reasoning behind skipping these school-wide events can range from nervousness to disdain. “I don’t think it’s aContinue Reading

The 1975 began receiving attention recently after releasing a string of EPs throughout 2012 and early 2013. Now, the band is releasing their first full album, and the result sounds quite a lot more developed than most debut albums, a set of fairly cohesive songs about the thrills and downfallsContinue Reading

About four days before Statesman Start this summer, I got a phone call from my counselor. The problem, she explained, was that one of my classes didn’t fit into my schedule. But when she told me which class, I realized it wasn’t actually a class I’d signed up for. ItContinue Reading

The Intel International Science and Engineering Fair is the largest international pre-college science fair in the world, hosting students from 70 countries, regions and territories each year.

Held from May 12 to May 17 in Phoenix, Ariz., the fair was attended by juniors Aaron Aguhob and Supraja Chitarri, who were among 1,500 participants from all corners of the globe showcasing experiments. Chittari won third place in the animal science category.

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Facebook Chief Operating Officer Sheryl Sandberg’s book Lean In has held the top of the nonfiction bestseller list for eight consecutive weeks. Her treatise on modern feminism is being read and discussed everywhere.

Through personal anecdotes and scientific research, Sandberg supports her argument for increased female engagement in the workforce. While her stories and research enlighten, her arguments can feel a bit cliché, a bit vague. Her titular recommendation to “lean in” is the vaguest recommendation of all.

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