With mediocre computer graphics and semi-decent acting, the Halloween flick Carrie falls at about the same level as the original movie. While the storyline was intense and captivating, the rest of the movie fell short of my expectations. Based on author Stephen King’s first novel, the movie tells the storyContinue Reading

Rank & File: What previous programs have you participated in that helped prepare you for playing varsity sports in high school? Lauren Kaup: I used to do winter swim for York; I did that for about four years. I would do meets for them and we did a lot ofContinue Reading

While 2013 has already yielded many critically acclaimed albums, several big names are releasing albums that have high expectations to live up to. M.I.A.’s fourth album Matangi, released November 5, follows 2010’s Maya, which was the singer/rapper’s most popular album to date. The single “Bad Girls” is in the sameContinue Reading

The Future Business Leaders of America visited Philadelphia on Monday, Oct. 28, to observe local businesses. “It’s unique in that we [got] to actually see the business side of all these real life examples,” FBLA co-secretary and senior Chong said. One of these businesses was Terror Behind The Walls, aContinue Reading

According to some of the members, the energy and overall team atmosphere are some of the best parts of being on Cross Country. “Everything’s informal in the sense that we’re all able to talk, but at the same time we’re working hard and helping each other work hard and doingContinue Reading

Sandwiched between Target and a row of boutiques in Merrifield’s new plaza, the Mosaic District, is a small but promising hoagie shop: Taylor’s Gourmet. Furnished with communal seating and repurposed decor, Taylor’s has a notably eco-friendly flair. Their take-out–friendly menu is comparable to guilt-free fast food: a vast selection ofContinue Reading

Along with the construction changes that Marshall is experiencing, the increased size of the freshmen class this year, one of the largest classes ever enrolled, has also impacted the school. The freshmen class is generally the largest of the four classes, but this year the number has increased more thanContinue Reading

The pilot lunch line known as the Statesmen Station made a splash in the Northern Virginia community, providing healthier lunch options; it is the first of its kind in Fairfax County. Real Food for Kids, an organization dedicated to promoting healthy food in Fairfax County, planned and supported the StatesmenContinue Reading

Ravenswood, the new spinoff from the hit TV show, Pretty Little Liars (PLL), will begin airing on Oct. 22. Ravenswood exists in the same universe as PLL, but is centered around different characters. Tyler Blackburn, who plays the role of Caleb on  PLL, stars on Ravenswood as the same role;Continue Reading