Some words like “where” and “wear,” or “read” and “read,” can be confusing even to fluent English speakers, but are especially difficult for English Speakers of Other Languages, also known as ESOL students. According to ESOL department chair Sharon Carser-Brown, the level of challenge varies based on students’ backgrounds. “ItContinue Reading

“Lights, camera, action,” is the normal saying for any theatrical performance, but for Marshall theatre’s new play The Spitfire Grill, the saying is simply “action.” “It’s pretty low-key, but it’s a very intense and cool show,” senior Daniel LaBarbera, a cast member of Spitfire, said. “I think [Mr. Tamborini] wantedContinue Reading

I don’t consider myself a feminist. I think I share opinions with quite a lot of feminists, but I don’t feel comfortable associating myself with some others. Different branches of the movement have different goals, and different methods of achieving goals. I’m certainly in favor of reducing the high number ofContinue Reading

Thinking about the future after high school is stressful for a lot of students. They often feel that they are alone in the process. Helping to alleviate this stress is exactly the job of Marshall’s college and career specialist Gardner Humphreys. According to Humphreys, the main purpose of his positionContinue Reading

I’ve never been so glad that my eighteenth birthday fell after the gubernatorial election. In the months leading up to Nov. 5, I, along with millions of other poor Virginia residents, was bombarded with horrible ads everywhere we turned, each promising that either Ken Cuccinelli or Terry McAuliffe is aContinue Reading

One of the best things about IB classes is that they tend to favor meaningful essays and projects over the nightly “busywork” that many students are accustomed to. But one of the worst things about IB classes is that they swamp students with these essays and projects, seemingly with littleContinue Reading

Even early in the season, varsity cheerleaders were confident about their prospects for the upcoming year. “We knew we would do better than usual,” senior Allie Degregorio said. The team even hoped to make it to the regional competition. “We all knew that we had a chance [to make regionals]Continue Reading

Founded in 2010, the Writing Center has experienced a dramatic increase in attendance in just a few months of operation. The program, an after-school tutoring service for students who need help on essay writing, caters to students who would like feedback on essays or need assistance in brainstorming. Inspired byContinue Reading

Amongst the blur of application questions and college essays, an elite number of seniors are also juggling corresponding with college coaches and visits that come along with the recruitment process. Recruiting may seem like it does not require much effort, but don’t be fooled, the recruitment process for prospective collegeContinue Reading