As the third quarter comes to an end, young filmmakers are preparing for the second annual Marshall film festival that will take place on May 15. This year the festival will be held at Angelika theaters in the Mosaic District. “We decided to showcase [the films] at Angelika theaters because it’sContinue Reading

If you’ve ever wandered around Fairfax Shopping Center, you may have noticed Cameron’s Chocolates, marked by its bright pink sign and trademark heart logo. Interestingly enough, the store was co-founded by a Marshall alumni. Besides offering goodies like frozen yogurt, an array of beverages and, of course, chocolates, the storeContinue Reading

This year, Marshall’s boys tennis team will get their first chance to play new opponents in the new 5A division. “In the second half of our season we’re going to play all new opponents, like Falls Church and Wakefield and Mount Vernon,” tennis coach and English teacher James Macindoe said.Continue Reading

While northern Virginia may not be renowned for its live music scene, the area actually has plenty to offer—even on Marshall’s campus.  Student bands abound; below, R&F introduces you to a few. Off the Beaten Path This band’s genre is primarily heavy metal and rock; they cite The Foo Fighters and BreakingContinue Reading

Typhoon Haiyan started raging through portions of Southeast Asia on Nov. 3, and didn’t falter from its destructive path until Nov. 11, after the severely powerful tropical cyclone had already caused 5,260 fatalities. At Marshall, students coordinated a fundraiser to send money to UNICEF—money that would be used to aidContinue Reading

As children, playing dress up with our parents’ clothes was a normal thing to do. You may remember looking into your parents’ closets and seeing a vast array of outfits to choose from, but as you grew older you found yourself throwing away any embarrassing hand-me-downs. Thrift stores ten yearsContinue Reading

With the winter Olympics in Sochi just beginning, Twitter seems to be hosting an Olympics of its own in bathroom mirrors across the country. Aptly nicknamed the “Selfie Olympics,” the popular Twitter trend encourages people to photograph the most creative self-portrait they can muster. From silly to snarky, but oftentimesContinue Reading

Last Thursday, the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences announced the official nominees for this year’s ceremonies, which will be held on Mar. 2 at the Dolby Theatre in Los Angeles. Guest contributor Will Ferrer predicts who will walk home with the world’s most expensive paperweight—statuettes cost about $400Continue Reading

You probably know about the current movement towards legalizing marijuana. But many teenagers also use hookahs, or water pipes that are used to smoke flavored tobacco. There are some popular misconceptions surrounding hookah use; for example, many believe that it’s healthier for you than cigarettes. Here are six facts thatContinue Reading