Girls lacrosse beat Thomas Edison HS 22-5 Thursday to win their first conference championship in Marshall’s history.  The Statesmen dominated the game, winning 15-5 at the half and finishing by shutting out Edison in the second half.      Continue Reading

Geometry teacher Leslie Barnhart leads a life full of variation both inside and outside of her workplace of Marshall. Most students know her as the teacher with the quirky Harry Potter-themed classroom, but the mother of two is also a pianist and an author. Titled The Christian’s Guide to HarryContinue Reading

Boys varsity lacrosse advanced to district playoffs against J.E.B. Stuart on May 16, winning the first home playoff the team has had in 12 years. Changes made during regular practice made all the difference on game days. “This season the team had its ups and downs; there were games we gotContinue Reading

Want a high school diploma? Well, if you’re in the class of 2015 or younger, you have a new graduation requirement: a personal finance class. According to the Virginia Department of Education, the class is intended to “further the development of knowledge, skills, and attitudes needed for responsible citizenship inContinue Reading

When indie band Field Music went on hiatus in 2007, brothers Peter and David Brewis, its founding and primary members, each released albums individually, exploring their own sounds and styles. School of Language is David Brewis’s solo pseudonym, although sophomore album Old Fears includes contributions from Peter Brewis. The BrewisContinue Reading

As beloved 1960s TV characters Gomez and Morticia Addams came to life in this spring’s production of The Addams Family, the comedic musical rose from the grave to entertain hundreds of students and parents, giving a dark twist to the first blooming week of May. Performed from May 1 throughContinue Reading

To hear the experts talk, sleeping is the holy grail of all health problems. The National Sleep Foundation warns that too little sleep can cause you to “forget important information like names [and] numbers,” and worsen acne. The Guardian links lack of sleep to depression, high cholesterol, obesity, flu, coldsContinue Reading

Many different sports games can come down to one point, or in the case of soccer, one goal.  But in a game like soccer where scoring is much rarer, luck can make the difference. “One simple mistake can ruin the whole game for you,” junior Willem Lensink said.  “Luck doesContinue Reading

Since his arrival in 2005, Principal Jay Pearson has been a frontrunner in Marshall’s progress as an academically and technologically advanced school. From his work in developing a new laptop and cell phone code to his input in the ongoing renovation, Pearson’s dedication has finally been acknowledged: he has beenContinue Reading