In just a few years, a lot has changed in the school community. Sure, there’s still a thin film of grime atop some of the older lockers, and yes, there’s always at least one hallway that smells really weird. But there are also several milestones of development, including the completionContinue Reading

Down in the newly renovated design and technology lab, Technology Education teacher Michael Martin struggles with a decision to act on what he calls an “early retirement.” This decision stems from recent alterations to the course offerings for the 2014-15 school year.  Next year, the school will be offering aContinue Reading

When seen in dollars and cents, the cost of buying a ticket to Disney World might seem disheartening. But for the music department, collaborating with a local shopping center makes the expenses much less daunting. On Monday, Jan. 20, supporters of Marshall’s music department headed to Reston Town Center toContinue Reading

As the tension among college-bound seniors begins to ebb, on May 1, Marshall’s annual signing day, eight seniors officially locked their fate (at least for the duration of their college experience). Seniors Kelly Brown, Riley Cummins, Alec Dolton, Tim Garner, Mackenzie Haight, Olivia Martin, Adib Milani and Meaghan O’Meara allContinue Reading

In affluent areas like northern Virginia, affordable housing can become a huge problem. Hoping for increased tax revenue and a boost to the local economy, affordable housing units like are completely demolished in favor of expensive single-family homes. While local developers may see the closing of affordable housing projects asContinue Reading

On Friday night Marshall softball beat Mount Vernon HS 6-1 to win the conference championship.  The team was undefeated against conference teams in the regular season and continue that trend into post-season play.Continue Reading

  On Friday night Marshall baseball won the conference championship, beating the Thomas Edison Eagles 4-2.  The team went undefeated against conference teams during the regular season and continued their 12-game winning streak with the win.  Juniors Mark Leduc, John Bennett, Shane Russell, and Matt Borowski were 2nd team all-conference;Continue Reading