There is a stigma that surrounds eating and mental health disorders including depression, anxiety, bulimia, anorexia and OCD. In most cases, physical ailments are taken more seriously than mental disorders, because the problems and declines in health are more obvious. This difference does not mean that they are any lessContinue Reading

Statesmen Theatre placed first overall at the Capitol Conference One-Act Festival on Jan. 15 for This Is Where We Came In, a quirky 1990 play featuring twisted reenactments of classic fairy tales. The show opens with several peculiar storytellers (sophomore Anna Brotman-Krass, senior Lily Roth and sophomore Anya Karaman) whoContinue Reading

Here’s a joke: If you take the “act” out of activists, what do you have? What constitutes an “act,” anyway? A mere click of the mouse or a 140 letter tweet? In all seriousness, it’s hard to envision social change as a text, yet social justice has managed to rootContinue Reading

The logic behind illegally downloading music is simple: music prices are too high, and it doesn’t seem like that big of a deal. Marginally speaking, this is correct—illegally downloading one song will not cause any devastating damage to anyone. However, pirating in the long term has a large impact on artistsContinue Reading

Towner Hale is a senior and a varsity basketball player.  Below, R&F asks him what he thinks of the team. Q: Why did you start playing basketball? A: When my dad coached in Hawaii, I used to always go to his high school games. Like the Marshall team, he coached aContinue Reading