The JV girls basketball team went 16-0 this season. The team credits their success to a combination of team chemistry, skill and their coaches. “We had really good team chemistry,” sophomore and captain Chloe Cole said. “We all got along really well, and we’re just really good.” Freshman Lauren OlsonContinue Reading

With our current school-issued laptops retiring at the end of this year, FCPS is looking into better options. The FCPS central IT office chose Marshall as one of the schools piloting new Chromebooks this year. This means select students are testing out machines that may be used next school year.Continue Reading

Principal Jeffery Litz released an email on Feb. 8 focusing on “a recent uptick” of student misconduct, including students leaving the campus during lunch periods. The email outlined consequences for these actions. One student who also noticed this increase was junior Medhi Abbassi “People are skipping way too much,” AbbassiContinue Reading

Rank&File reporters Rachel Ackerman and Rhea Newnaha talked to your classmates about the Grammy song of the year “Just Like That” by Bonnie Raitt. Watch them as they try to guess the song and share what they think of this year’s pick!Continue Reading

Who better to help the student actors of “Xanadu” prepare for the musical than the original actress who starred in the Broadway production 16 years ago? Theater director Bernie DeLeo set up a workshop with Broadway starlet Kerry Butler. The two leads in the musical, senior Dale DeVinney and juniorContinue Reading

Students share favorite and least favorite classes Freshman Rylie Morris – Best: Ceramics because I’m with my friends, and I get to make cool things. Worst: Spanish because it’s really hard. _________________________________________________________________________________ Sophomore Arjun Bhide Best: Criminal Justice because I learn about police work and crime scene investigation. Worst: GovernmentContinue Reading

Freshman Taye Mihrete poses in the hallway, wearing his new yellow Nike Tech Fleece. Mihrete used Christmas money to buy himself a Tech Fleece from Nike, opting to buy one in yellow. His purchase garnered attention across grade levels. “It gave me attention,” he said. “Now more people know me.”Continue Reading

Each school year a new grade of 11th graders rise up to the challenge to complete the IB Diploma. For some that challenge starts earlier than others through their ability to take IB science classes as a sophomore. Though many choose the path of IB, either through pursuing the fullContinue Reading

There is nothing Christmassy about dashing through snow. Heck, I probably know more Mariah Carey songs than the average person. So why does the holiday spirit always show up in the shadows of a big Christmas tree? I acknowledge that the majority of this country celebrates Christmas, so naturally itContinue Reading