Cybersecurity teacher Wolfgang Oertner said most college freshmen have minimal success at job fairs. However, he taught a current George Mason student who underwent a different experience. The student’s 12 certifications from his Marshall Academy cybersecurity course stood out to employers. According to Oertner, he now makes over six figures.Continue Reading

As awards season approaches, Broadway stars, film directors and music producers alike await the results. However, for people like Broadway performer Justin David Sullivan, it’s not so simple. “As a non-binary performer playing a non-binary principal role on Broadway, I have been asked by many what I plan on doingContinue Reading

Social studies teacher and self-proclaimed movie-lover Olivia Tate has her own predictions for the illustrious Academy Awards—and she’s encouraging her students to share theirs. Government and IB Anthropology students in Tate’s classes are likely familiar with her “What’s Making Me Happy This Week” slideshows. She said there’s often at leastContinue Reading

Here’s what you need to know: Students have often criticized class grading policy, but it seems some administrators are listening. In 2022, the local High School Principals Association, led by Principal Jeffrey Litz, oversaw the most recent changes to Fairfax County’s grade policy to focus more on content mastery thanContinue Reading

Theory of Knowledge is the second semester of junior year and first semester of senior year. Here’s a pre- and post-TOK review from junior Krish Bhalla and senior Kian Nolan.   Describe your TOK experience. Krish: It’s so rule-oriented: you need to follow the rules exactly to get a goodContinue Reading

Four juniors discuss their IB “Creativity, Activity and Service” projects, which span from junior to senior year Poetry in Partnership Manahil Jawaid’s CAS project allows her to dive deeper into her passion for writing. Jawaid merged her love for writing and poetry to create a writing workshop that will runContinue Reading

From gender neutral bathrooms to respecting pronouns and everything in between, the GSA is fighting for equal rights. The Gender Sexuality Alliance held two meetings over the last two months with Principal Litz to resolve certain issues, including changing the locks of gender-neutral bathrooms for students. There are two suchContinue Reading

For months, an unfilled coaching position was the only thing keeping players from forming the girls varsity tennis team. Chandra Soucek accepted girls varsity tennis head coach position after former coach Arlene Fitz-Patrick’s resignation. Team members who met her at tryouts hope her extensive coaching experience will help them improveContinue Reading

With athletes breaking both school and personal records, the boys winter track season was a success. The broken records include the 4x200m team with Alexander Oliver, Christos Proctor, Gavin Sandall and Krish Bhalla. Other records were set by Sean Sanders in the 1000m and Proctor in the 55m. Track coachContinue Reading