marshall high school homecoming neon rave

Between the shrunken size and the open front wall, the Marshall Neon Rave of 2021 looked like a museum display designed to show aliens what prom looked like.  The white tent in the upper parking lot never exceeded a third of the 97 strong guest list at one time. AlthoughContinue Reading

Wrestling is the antithesis of social distancing. The six-feet-apart rule does not exactly lend itself to the close-quarter grappling the sport entails. All the same, the sport is subject to its own set of regulations. Full body Lysol cleaning before and after each bout Each wrestler disinfects their entire bodyContinue Reading

Alongside the fall comes cold nights, which makes for miserable running conditions for Senior and Winter Track team captain Spencer Schmid. In a normal year, November would be a time for runners. The new normal has forced winter sports practices to be unofficial, meaning when Schmid returns to his startingContinue Reading

Hackers have compromised Fairfax County Public Schools’ (FCPS) data, though the extent of the attack remains unknown. On Friday, the FCPS Office of Communication released a statement addressing the cybersecurity issue. In the statement, FCPS said the ransomware is likely the work of hackers who have been targeting multiple organizations.Continue Reading

When trying out for spring sports, athletes have to battle the low temperatures of late-winter weather, hindering their performance. There is no way to “tough out” the cold because playing conditions like wind, temperature and precipitation will affect any sporting event. Cold weather is not just a mindset. There areContinue Reading

If I had a dollar for every time I complained about the recycling system, by now I would have enough money to fix it. Before Oct 1, glass waste went into the recycling bin as it had since recycling’s inception. But after recycling centers complained of glass damaging their machines,Continue Reading

When Career Center Specialist Gardner Humphreys first started counseling, superscoring for the SAT began increasing in popularity. Now, 16 years later, the ACT is offering a similar retake policy to improve students’ overall test scores. Students can also take the ACT online. The ACT consists of four sections which countContinue Reading

So you have not seen “Avengers: Endgame”. It has been almost three weeks since opening day, but you are still fleeing when you hear anyone talking about the movie, clinging on to #DontSpoilEndgame and avoiding Instagram like the plague. Ten days ago, society would have harshly punished anyone who wouldContinue Reading