“Most people don’t know I am the oldest of seven kids.” “[I want] to travel overseas, I have never been outside of the continent, [so] somewhere in Europe maybe.” “I was living in Blacksburg, Virginia and I just finished my master’s degree in math education from Radford University.”  Continue Reading

by sahar jiwani While orchestra teacher Catherine Bond is on maternity leave, Tanya Ratner is temporarily taking her place. Ratner is a professional orchestra conductor who taught at universities in Australia before coming to Marshall. Music education in Australia is different than it is in the U.S. because choir, orchestraContinue Reading

The class of 2019 decorated their cars to show their spirit for their final year of high school. In addition to wearing “Senior Queens” shirts and having senior privileges, driving to school and showing off their pride with colorful art is a tradition that many seniors follow. Senior Lauren EliasContinue Reading

Not fitting into the specific description for a sport or a club, dance team members have expressed the struggles they face with assimilating into the school. Despite their lack of a set niche, the team has made it to the Nationals level, and will be traveling to Orlando  this upcomingContinue Reading

On Jan. 9, Freshmen College Night was hosted by counselors Mindy James, Katy Sokolove, Alex Breiner, Christy Hanlon, Jim Rixse and career center specialist Gardner Humphreys. They gave an introduction on the basics of college, what colleges look for and test preparation. The program started with what students should beContinue Reading

The late bus runs on Mondays from 5 to 5:30 p.m. and is a great advantage for those who stay after school for clubs, activities and after school help. At the same time, its effectiveness is limited because it is only available one day out of the whole week. ThereContinue Reading