New club Active Minds made its presence known through a series of motivational posters pinned up around the school. Junior Laura Goldberg founded Active Minds with the intention that it be a club that brings to light the issue of mental health, specifically the cases that are most prevalent inContinue Reading

IB diploma and certificate candidates sat for exams from May 2 through today, with 550 candidates taking at least one exam and coordinators administering over 1,400 total exams during the examination period. Due to the large volume of tests, the IB Office began preparation early in the year. “We haveContinue Reading

From its inception four years ago, the film festival has paved a new way of expression for the IB Film Studies II class. Since becoming a class, IB Film Studies II has not only taught the deeper nuances of film and film making, but has also brought together people withContinue Reading

Following multiple assessments during the month of March, the music department has been awarded the Blue Ribbon distinction from the Virginia Music Educators Association. This distinction is awarded to programs whose ensembles in band, choir and orchestra receive superior, the top rating, at their respective assessments. Band director and musicContinue Reading

My time in Government was never really an enjoyable experience, stemming mostly from the fact that I often followed news and politics and felt like I generally knew the content that was being taught. However, the last time I took a Government course was in sophomore year, which was twoContinue Reading

The Robotics club, led by president and sophomore Julia Kroeper, began working towards their goal of competing on an international venue. “Robotics club is a division of FRC, which is an international robotics competition,” Kroeper said. “The competition this year is called ‘Stronghold,’ and we will be building a robotContinue Reading

Following losing seasons, boys varsity basketball rebounds while girls focus on individual victories Boys recover from 2015 with best season in decade In the 21 games of their regular season, varsity boys basketball racked up nearly as many wins as their past two seasons combined, finishing with an 18-3 record.Continue Reading

The water we drink and the awareness we have for what we put in our bodies comes down to knowing the facts. Hydration is a huge part of being a well rounded, healthy, and active student, but it is the right hydration that is key. As fortunate members of theContinue Reading

As summer came to an end and school started in full swing, many upperclassmen began the annual ritual of purchasing themselves a pass to park in the parking lot. However, many students were surprised to learn that after they purchased their passes, the administration had made the call that notContinue Reading