As educators continue the centuries old quest for silver bullet solutions to transform the education system, they have progressively proposed more and more radical reforms. While the ideas often address real issues with the current education system, they often slash away vital aspects of education without thinking through all ofContinue Reading

 There’s no doubt that drinking from a glossy, plastic water bottle is sexier than refilling a reusable water bottle from the tap. However, the argument that bottled water is safer than tap water is an outdated and inaccurate statement. There is overwhelming evidence that tap water isn’t only just asContinue Reading

Despite the substantial benefits of family legacy in college admissions, current generations are moving increasingly towards individualism rather than following in their parents’ footsteps. The common explanation for the goals of parenting is that parents want what is best for their child. Studies both at Marshall and across the UnitedContinue Reading

Nearly 500 freshmen and their senior mentors celebrated the end of the senior mentor program with a retreat on the football field, participating in a rock paper scissors tournament, writing messages with chalk and standing in position to form “2019.” “I thought it was pretty cool that they had usContinue Reading

With the announcement of Fairfax County Public School’s Student Information System, I was excited that us students would finally be handed greater control over our grades. I believed that this would be an opportunity for me to manage myself more effectively and always know which classes to push myself a littleContinue Reading

  Cars are one of the great status symbols of high school life, as the freedom they provide marks a major transition from childhood and adulthood. Yet while most high schoolers are solely focused on getting heir license and buying cars, you will meet a certain group of students in the Academy’s Auto TechContinue Reading

Jon Stewart shocked us all last February when he announced that he would be leaving the Daily Show after 17 years as the show’s host. Speculation about the show’s new host ranged from long-time Daily Show correspondent Jason Jones to comedian Tina Fey. However, to our surprise and the surpriseContinue Reading