Our staff discuss their fav and least favs of all time below Gilmore Girls: Rory Gilmore By Rebecca Paz From the very first episode of “Gilmore Girls,” the writers and producers built Rory Gilmore up as someone to idolize. She was a good student and aspiring journalist with a coffeeContinue Reading

Q: What do you think is the most important thing in getting recognition? Senior Oriana Piazza – If people never realize we’re actually doing it and we’re doing well in it, then we won’t have more interest and won’t do better. People want to join a winning team, fully recognizingContinue Reading

Junior Samia Sayd’s love for her teammates and the sport of volleyball carries her team in their bid for a regional title. Sayd has played volleyball since the third grade and places her drive to succeed in her teammates. “I like the bond I have with both my highschool andContinue Reading

A common narrative that is spread around Marshall’s community is that in the past few years big changes have been made, most seemingly negative. In my time here I’ve definitely been disgruntled and infuriated with many of the changes—and lack of changes—that have gone on during my time here. MyContinue Reading

Though a majority of seniors apply for national colleges, Rank&File talked to four seniors who took it international. SANJANA PANDETI Historical European buildings, flavorful food and art galore—this is a taste of what senior Sanjana Pandeti’s college experience will look like. Pandeti plans to attend the University of Amsterdam inContinue Reading

This year, the month of Ramadan falls during prom season, causing conflict for some Muslim students. Ramadan is the ninth month in the Islamic calendar, in which Muslims around the world fast from sunrise to sundown. “Prom falling on a day during Ramadan has been difficult to work around knowingContinue Reading

In the past several weeks, gas prices locally and nationwide have continued to rise well above the previous averages. This rise in gas prices has caused students to have to adjust the way they get around For newly licensed sophomore Anna Musgrove, rising gas prices have limited her new freedomContinue Reading

School spirit is a goal which every group seems to strive for, from administration to student government to student groups like Marshall Mob. The Marshall Mob brings together students to make us a community, but a small handful of students have caused disruptions for administration and opposing teams. Last March,Continue Reading

Writing is a skill that some either enjoy while others think as a chore. To English teacher Kanisha Parks, language and literature shaped her childhood from a student often getting into trouble, to an aspiring writer. “In first grade, I got in trouble a lot and actually got suspended 13Continue Reading

Daniel Nguyen returns to his alma mater, this time as head wrestling coach in hopes of claiming a district win and helping his players off the mat. Nguyen takes over the role as head coach after previously holding the role of assistant coach. “I’ve always been eager to be headContinue Reading