1. Old Man and the Sea by Ernest Hemingway A short and simple read, Hemingway’s classic novel chronicles the three day adventure of fisherman Santiago and his battle with a large fish at sea.  Although the book is barely over 100 pages long, its complex themes and deeper meaning have madeContinue Reading

Not all high school students get to double up as teachers. As teacher’s assistants, juniors and seniors get the unique opportunity to teach before graduation, exploring their passions and possible career paths. Senior Ranya Endar has been able to experience this first hand as a teacher’s assistant for English teacherContinue Reading

The first annual spring fashion show featured outfits from a ‘road trip’ across the country: New York, Memphis, Miami, and LA.   Held during 7th period on May 20th, the show featured several models and two hosts who ‘took the audience across the country’ to fashion hubs: 5th Av, BealeContinue Reading

Walking into a language classroom, you might be wondering about the gray trays hanging from the ceilings. You probably wouldn’t guess that these simple-looking machines are used for the most important exams for Spanish and French classes. Learning labs for Spanish and French classes are another installment of the ongoingContinue Reading

It’s the night before the big group project is due. You’re anxiously sitting in front of your computer, staring at the screen, hoping that the missing portion of the project will magically appear. Except that missing material does not surface the next minute, or the one after that. You’re left withContinue Reading

In a contentious school board meeting Thursday night, the phrase “gender identity” was added to FCPS’s nondiscrimination policy, which already included age, race, national origin, disability and religion. The board voted in favor of the new policy despite some opposition from the stand-only crowd. [tweetable message=”FCPS gender ID policy aims to treat every student/employee withContinue Reading

class: 2017 years of experience: 8 sport: softball Next door neighbors can impact your life in more ways than the occasional hello: they could be the ones who kickstart your sports career. For sophomore and junior varsity softball player Alex Stenseth, her neighbors helped steer her off the path ofContinue Reading

County high schools and middle schools might see a range of new grading policies implemented as soon as the 2015-2016 school year, according to a message sent by deputy superintendent Steven Lockard. New policies include propositions to restrict the 100-point numerical grading scale. For example, instead of receiving a zeroContinue Reading

As the winter season comes to a close, spring sports are taking over. Most tryouts began after several snow days, giving the term “spring” sports new meaning. Soccer, tennis, track, lacrosse, baseball and softball tryouts are all under the wide umbrella of spring sports that may experience difficulties with schedulingContinue Reading

Is it possible that one theory, devised more than forty years ago, can explain Fairfax County’s million-dollar utility bill? Popular economics theory the Tragedy of the Commons states that individuals attempt to exploit the resources of a group, but only harm themselves. Everyone adopts the same strategy, and resources areContinue Reading