At the awards ceremony on Thursday, May 26, two athletes were recognized for their achievements this past year.  Seniors Rylie Hughes and Adien Hrnjez won the annual female and male Athlete of the Year awards. The award is not exclusive to seniors, but this year Hughes and Hrnjez were theContinue Reading

Though a majority of seniors apply for national colleges, Rank&File talked to four seniors who took it international. SANJANA PANDETI Historical European buildings, flavorful food and art galore—this is a taste of what senior Sanjana Pandeti’s college experience will look like. Pandeti plans to attend the University of Amsterdam inContinue Reading

When the clock struck 2:40 on Monday, May 9, over 300 students got up and walked out of the school. The students attended the Reproductive Freedom Walkout organized by Generation Ratify, a student-led movement for gender equality. Forty five Virginia schools, including Marshall, participated in the walkout. “We [were] leadingContinue Reading

“Other people when they go home, they play video games to feel better,” sophomore and Statesmen tennis player Dean Rostom said. “I play tennis.” Each week Rostom, a three-star tennis recruit according to the Tennis Recruiting Network, wakes up and trains from 6 to 7:30 in the morning. His scheduleContinue Reading

In response to a Social-Emotional Learning screener showing only 43% of Marshall students responded favorably in comfort  talking about race, students had an Advisory lesson about difficult conversations.  A school wide equity team made up of staff and students that meets every month helped to create an effective Advisory lessonContinue Reading

Rank&File talks to teachers to find out how juniors and seniors can write their best Internal Assessments (IAs), research papers that students taking some IB courses are required to write and make up a portion of their final IB score. IB Psychology SL Although IB Psychology is an elective, itContinue Reading