“When I first started teaching more than 20 years ago, I went into the world of education with a mission. It was two-fold: first of all, to become a world famous history teacher, and secondly, to end racism. If the first of those two things is true, there is aContinue Reading

Junior and German exchange student Fabian Tuscher came to America this year to improve his English skills and get insight into a new social and academic culture. “You can not experience [the American life] on a vacation here,” Tuscher said. Tuscher said he can feel the differences in the schoolContinue Reading

Attendees gathered in C113 during Learn to attend Model United Nation’s interest meeting on Sep. 19. Members of the club’s steering committee explained all the details of the club through a powerpoint presentation and concluded with a Q & A session. “I expected a big turnout and I was not disappointed,“Continue Reading