There is a stigma that surrounds eating and mental health disorders including depression, anxiety, bulimia, anorexia and OCD. In most cases, physical ailments are taken more seriously than mental disorders, because the problems and declines in health are more obvious. This difference does not mean that they are any lessContinue Reading

Here’s a joke: If you take the “act” out of activists, what do you have? What constitutes an “act,” anyway? A mere click of the mouse or a 140 letter tweet? In all seriousness, it’s hard to envision social change as a text, yet social justice has managed to rootContinue Reading

In just a few years, a lot has changed in the school community. Sure, there’s still a thin film of grime atop some of the older lockers, and yes, there’s always at least one hallway that smells really weird. But there are also several milestones of development, including the completionContinue Reading

As the tension among college-bound seniors begins to ebb, on May 1, Marshall’s annual signing day, eight seniors officially locked their fate (at least for the duration of their college experience). Seniors Kelly Brown, Riley Cummins, Alec Dolton, Tim Garner, Mackenzie Haight, Olivia Martin, Adib Milani and Meaghan O’Meara allContinue Reading

Katy Perry’s most recent music video for the pop hit “Dark Horse” recently stirred up controversy for its Memphis-Egypt and Memphis-Tennessee crossover theme. The video, in Perry’s trademark colorful and extravagant style, melds Egyptian mythology with sexualized and modern elements. A pyramid made of twinkles, for example, makes a briefContinue Reading

With the winter Olympics in Sochi just beginning, Twitter seems to be hosting an Olympics of its own in bathroom mirrors across the country. Aptly nicknamed the “Selfie Olympics,” the popular Twitter trend encourages people to photograph the most creative self-portrait they can muster. From silly to snarky, but oftentimesContinue Reading

In a world of war, political turmoil, oppression and upheaval, one might question the relevance of nail art. Covergirl begs to differ, as evidenced by their release of a cosmetic line based off of the violently dystopian society portrayed in Suzanne Collin’s bestselling Hunger Games Trilogy. In honor of CatchingContinue Reading

For three days, the auditorium became a window into the hilariously backwards universe of Voltaire’s imagination. Held from Nov. 7 to Nov. 10 and performed by the Statesmen Theatre, Optimism! is TJ Edward’s modernized adaptation of Voltaire’s Candide. Expelled from the castle of his youth for a passionate love affairContinue Reading

As the four-day weekend approaches, students are finding more to look forward to: football games, warm pumpkin pie, buttery mashed potatoes and of course, the highly anticipated annual turkey dinner. Thanksgiving has been a long-standing American tradition, so let’s take a moment to think about how it all began: It’sContinue Reading

Sandwiched between Target and a row of boutiques in Merrifield’s new plaza, the Mosaic District, is a small but promising hoagie shop: Taylor’s Gourmet. Furnished with communal seating and repurposed decor, Taylor’s has a notably eco-friendly flair. Their take-out–friendly menu is comparable to guilt-free fast food: a vast selection ofContinue Reading