District and school basketball coaches chose senior forward Daniel Deaver for the All-Met fourth boys basketball team. The All-Met basketball team is a list of the most valuable high school players according to both high school and district coaches in the DMV area. The Washington Post published the winter All-MetContinue Reading

Instead of limiting the cast to strictly Marshall students, theatre director Bernard DeLeo cast elementary schoolers for the younger roles in the upcoming play “The Sound of Music.” The play is suitable for all ages and it follows a true storyline. “‘The Sound of Music’ is a classic, golden ageContinue Reading

Despite the dangers of parking on George C. Marshall Drive, students who did not purchase a school parking pass still choose to do so. Perpendicular to Leesburg Pike, this road serves as both an alternative parking location and a connection between the high school and the three neighborhoods opposite toContinue Reading

The Gryphon Robotics team began the year with planning, designing and building a robot to compete in the FIRST Robotics Competition (FRC) with a new module. FIRST is an international organization that facilitates robotics competitions for grades K through 12. Under strict rules, limited resources and limited time, FRC challengesContinue Reading

Gryphon Robotics team entered two teams in the the First Robotics Competition on Oct. 20. “This our second off-season competition we’ve ever done,” said imagery captain Kirsten Springer. “It was nice to go over the competition spirit with new members, it is so much [both excitement and teamwork] at once.”Continue Reading