Stay Connected!
Subscribe to Rank & File for only $25 to have a full year of issues delivered right to your mailbox.
Or, for an even more impactful way to support our student journalists, why not become a Student Media Patron? Patron donations are one-time contributions, and any amount is welcome. As a thank-you for their generosity, One Star Patrons and higher will receive a yearlong subscription to the news magazine and have their names published on the Patron pages of both the magazine and the school yearbook.
Five Star Patrons whose contributions are sent by October 31 will also receive a free copy of the yearbook!
We truly appreciate any contribution made to our program and look forward to enhancing our relationship with the GCM community.
How to Order
To subscribe to Rank & File or become a GCM Student Media Patron, you have two options:
- Order Online if you’d prefer to pay by credit card or e-check.
- Download an Order Form if you’d prefer to pay by cash or paper check. (Order forms can be dropped off in the main office or mailed to the school. See form for details.)
Thank You!
Our community’s continued support helps Marshall High School’s journalism program grow and thrive as our students pursue the world of “new media” and explore opportunities to enhance their work, such as full-color printing, podcasts and video journalism.