On November 2, the Muslim Student Association organized a walkout to show support for Palestine and pay respects to the victims affected by the Israel-Hamas war.

“I signed petitions and came to the walkout in support of the people suffering,” junior Darya Gharib said. “I believe that no one should be killed.”

MSA member and senior Rawan Al Ghoul who protested at the walkout discussed her purpose for leading the protest.

“I’m here because my people need me in Palestine,” Al Ghoul said. “What we see in the news is unbelievable and every time for the past few weeks, we open our phones, and all we see is the war and we cry.”

Al Ghoul mentioned that the attacks against Palestenians are affecting herself and others.

“I used to be happy and have fun, but Islamophobia is being spread out on the news, so we can’t go out anymore,” said Al Ghoul. “You can’t do anything anymore because of that.” 

Freshman Jenna Mekki currently has relatives in Palestine experiencing the war. 

“I have all my cousins there right now,” Mekki said. “They are going through a lot right now. Their house just got bombed,” Mekki said.

Other concerned students such as senior Bogdan Teoder-Tutunaru are passionate about spreading awareness of Palestinian victims and want to inform others on the issue.

“I’ve donated and educated my community about the war which helped to support the movement,” Teoder-Tutunaru said.

Tutunaru said that he does not regard non-family members as less deserving of his support.

“Everybody in Palestine is my family. Blood related or not, we support each other,” Teoder-Tutunaru said.