Photomath by Microblink is an educational app that allows the user to take a photo of a math problem and not only find the answer, but also show the step-by-step process for solving it. The app’s streamlined interface and sleek design are things even the most picky person will enjoy.
MicroBlink did an amazing job with the app’s solving abilities, allowing it to answer questions from various algebra classes. Even though they left out the more difficult math courses, Microblink has stated that they are constantly updating the app, so those who take higher level courses aren’t left behind.
The app’s thorough step-by-step solution guide will help anyone who is stuck on that one problem in their homework by allowing them to see where they might have gone wrong. This feature is what makes the app as useful as it is, as it provides the user with their very own pocket tutor.
However, even though the app works well, there are still some flaws. The biggest flaw is that some of the more complicated problems don’t have listed steps for their solution. This can leave the user unsure of what to do, and provides a much lesser learning experience.
Overall, Photomath is an amazing app for those who need help doing their math homework or just can’t find the solution to a tough problem.