On the last possible day to register a club, the school gained a new addition to its array of student-run organizations: the Electronic Dance Music club.
The EDM club, founded by co-presidents Lawry Boyer and Bruce Stewart, was created as a way for people both to create original music and listen to their favorite music.
“We just want to share our love for electronic music with Marshall, and help students grow their interest,” Boyer said.
The club began mixing their own music at their first meeting, and while they used Stewart’s personal equipment, they were still limited by their lack of the necessary mixing equipment.
“I hope they plan on making music with us soon and teaching us how to DJ,” sophomore Andrew Nesterczuk said.
The club is planning various fundraisers, and is currently using a Go Fund Me page with the goal of ultimately being able to buy their own equipment.
Stewart acknowledges that since the EDM club was one of the last clubs created this year he expects it to face challenges early on, one of the most significant being membership.
“We started late in the year so we don’t have very much attention, and people are trying to get their grades up in these last two quarters, so we won’t have that many members attending,” Stewart said.
Nonetheless, the club is not allowing the challenges they are facing this year to dampen their aspirations for next year, as they have some big events in mind for the future.
“Definitely next year we want to see if we can hold a dance or a student body concert,” Boyer said. “We definitely wont be able to mix for any of the actual dances but we can hold our own event.”