Art By: Magnus Dalier
Art By: Magnus Dalier

As an animal lover, mistreatment of animals just crushes my heart. Confining an animal into a small space or cage, beating it to perform properly, stealing it from its natural habitat and neglecting it are some of the many cruel things humans do to animals, sometimes on a daily basis.

That’s why it’s important to have a club like Students Against Animal Cruelty, to keep discussing this inhumane problem. We have got to stop obsessively worrying about ourselves and think of the things we are hurting, animals included.

In Zambia, villagers would beat and starve their dogs to make them more aggressive so they would provide better security.

Another form of beating and starving in disguise is animal testing. In the end, it is brutal and unnecessary. Ninety-two percent of drugs that have passed animal tests don’t work on or are dangerous to humans, according to a fact list by the Vivisection Information Network. There is no point in burning, poisoning or crippling animals for drugs that won’t even work on humans. And just one pesticide could use up to 12,000 animals, some of which are exempted from the Animal Welfare Act according to a fact list by Do Something.

I started riding horses when I was nine and now I can’t imagine not going to the barn almost every day. The horse I ride, Thelma, was rescued from the slaughter house. She has since competed up to training level in eventing, can jump up to four feet and performs advanced movements in dressage. If she had ended up at the slaughterhouse she would have died in transit or been beaten unconscious, according to an article about horse slaughter by the Humane Society.

Animals have minds like us and hearts like us, and can feel pain just like us. Treat them how you would like to be treated.