After finishing the Destiny campaign, I can officially say I’m hooked. With its amazing graphics and well-written story, there is no denying that it set a new standard for the next generation of games. From the moment your robot companion and problem solver, a.k.a “Ghost” (played by Peter Dinklage), brings you back from the grave, you strap in for what seems like a blockbuster movie.
When the game begins, you build a character, choosing between several different classes: Titan, an armored engine of war; Hunter, master of the frontier; or a Warlock, manipulator of the universe. You can also choose three different races for your character: standard Human, alien Awoken, or robotic Exo.
After creating your character, you are introduced to Ghost. You must obtain a ship to explore the galaxy; then your Ghost takes you to the Tower, a social hub for players.
The Speaker, leader of the Guardians and the voice of the Traveler, explains that the Traveler is the reason humanity is still surviving. The Darkness, however, is a dark presence that follows the Traveler, destroying everything in its path.
If you think that the adventure is over after you conquer the campaign, you are far from correct. Destiny has a competitive multiplayer mode called “Crucible,” where you can test your strength against other players. If fighting other players doesn’t suit you, then team up with friends to defeat the many bosses that threaten the Traveler. And if none of that appeals to you, then meet other Guardians in the Tower, where you can shop for new gear and Ships.
Bungie, the developers of Destiny, describe their game as a shared world shooter; however, there is little to no communication between players unless you’re in voice chat with friends, and there’s no trading gear either. Within the game’s immense world, there is also little to no interaction with the enemies other than shooting.
As someone who primarily played the story solo, I enjoyed the separation from other players, but for those who are looking for a strong community game, you’re out of luck.
Despite these cons, there is no denying that Destiny is an amazing game. Its twelve hour story and its addicting multiplayer work together in a way that has never been seen before.