May 21 marked the end of an era for students currently taking drama or band classes.
On that day, the auditorium and band classrooms began the process of a complete renovation. New seating, carpets and walls are just a few of the expected changes. The construction is tentatively slated to end in late November of this year, although all school activities that use the rooms will most likely need to use an alternative venue for the first half of next school year.
For now, the whole place is undergoing a process of being stripped “down to its bare bones,” band director Paul Vesilind said.
For the band department as a whole, the change will end up more beneficial than not.
According to Vesilind, the current auditorium layout has a deadening effect on loud music and is much more geared toward drama performances.
“It’s a very dead auditorium right now, but we’re hoping that the new sound treatment will make it a much better place for music,” Vesilind said.
The band department remains positive that the benefits far outweigh the inconveniences.
“I don’t think it’ll be too bad,” orchestra member and freshman Zayan Ahmed said.
However, Ahmed said the drama department is the most likely to be negatively affected because of its dependence on the stage.
Fortunately for thespians, though, drama may be able to compromise in terms of finding a place to perform early next year.
“I’m sure there will be a fall play,” IB Theatre teacher Mark Krikstan said. “We might use the cafeteria; we’ll definitely find some space in which to do it.”
In addition to the band classrooms and auditorium, construction is currently being done on a new black box theatre and drama classroom.